Privacy policy

IMPORTANT! Please note that the primary version of this Privacy Policy is the Polish version. The English version provided here is a translation of the original Polish text. In case of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the Polish version and the English translation, the Polish version shall prevail and be deemed as the authoritative version.


Use of the website implies acceptance of the following terms of the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. As a User, please familiarize yourself with its provisions. The table of contents below will help you to do so. In it, I inform you how I take care of Users’ data, how I process it, to whom I entrust it and many other important issues related to personal data.

§1 General Provisions

  1. This Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy sets out the rules for the processing and protection of personal data provided by Users and Cookies, as well as other technologies appearing on the website
  2. the Administrator of the site and personal data provided within its framework is Marek Olczyk-Brzezinski residing at Zygmunta Krasińskiego 38 m.55, 01-779 Warsaw, e-mail: , NIP: 1181857778.
  3. The Administrator shall process Personal Data in accordance with currently applicable laws, in particular in accordance with RODO and the Personal Data Protection Act.
  4. The Administrator shall take special care to ensure that the privacy of Users and the protection of their interests are respected, in particular by ensuring that Personal Data collected by the Administrator through the Site is processed only for the purposes indicated and not subjected to further processing incompatible with those purposes.
  5. Users’ Personal Data shall be collected and processed only on the basis of appropriate legal grounds, and the scope of the data shall depend on the type of service provided and shall be as limited as possible.
  6. if you have any doubts about the provisions of this Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, please contact the Administrator via e-mail address: .
  7. the Administrator reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, and each User of the Site is obliged to know the current Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. The reason for the changes may be the development of Internet technology, changes in generally applicable law or the development of the Site through, for example, the use of new tools by the Administrator. At the bottom of the Site you will find the date of publication of the current Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.
  8. Capitalized phrases used in this Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy have the meaning given to them in § 2 of the Privacy Policy.

§2 Definitions

Administrator - Marek Olczyk-Brzezinski residing at Zygmunta Krasińskiego 38 m.55, 01-779 Warsaw, , NIP: 1181857778.

User - any entity staying on the administrator’s website and using them.

Page - the website and blog located at the following address.

Personal Data - any information about an identified or identifiable natural person, i.e. name, identification number, location data, Internet identifier or one or more specific factors that determine the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of a natural person.

Consent - a voluntary, specific, informed and unambiguous demonstration of will by which the User, in the form of a statement or explicit affirmative action, consents to the processing of Personal Data concerning him/her.

Form or Forms - places on the Administrator’s Site that allow the User to enter Personal Data, for the purposes indicated therein, e.g. to leave feedback on the Site, to contact the User.

Service - a set of cooperating IT devices and software, providing processing and storage, as well as sending and receiving data through telecommunication networks by means of a network-appropriate terminal device (Internet), including also includes the Site or a part of it and applications including mobile applications and other Administrator services, Social Media and the Administrator’s channels functioning within the framework of such Media.

RODO - means Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

DSA - means Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 19, 2022 on the Digital Single Market for Digital Services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC (Digital Services Act).

Data Protection Act - the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1781, as amended).

Electronic Services Act - the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2020, item amended).

Telecommunications Law - Act of July 16, 2004. Telecommunications Law (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 34, as amended).

§3 Personal data and how it is processed

Who is the administrator of User’s Personal Data

The Administrator of User’s Personal Data is Marek Olczyk-Brzezinski residing at Zygmunta Krasińskiego 38 m.55, 01-779 Warsaw, e-mail: , NIP: 1181857778.

The Administrator co-administers data with providers of social media platforms, e.g. Linkedin, X (former Twitter), etc. indicated herein to the extent of Data of persons using social media and following the Administrator’s profile on a given social media platform and interacting with the Administrator. The principles of co-administration are indicated below in terms of each social media platform on which the Administrator has a profile.

Is the provision of data voluntary? What are the consequences of not providing them?

Provision of Data is voluntary, however, failure to provide certain information, as a rule marked as mandatory on the Administrator’s pages, will be associated with the impossibility of performing a given service and achieving a certain purpose or taking certain actions.

Provision by the User of Data that is not mandatory or excess data that the Administrator does not need to process occurs based on the decision of the User himself, and then the processing takes place on the basis of the premise contained in Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO (Consent). The User grants Consent to process such data and to anonymize data that the Administrator does not require and does not want to process, but the User has nevertheless provided it to the Administrator.

Your personal data on the Administrator’s Site may be processed for the following purposes and on the following legal bases:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lp.Purpose of processingLegal basis for processingTime of processing
1. Performance of a service or execution of a concluded contract, sending an offer (e.g. advertising) at the request of the User Article 6(1)(b) of the RODO (necessity to conclude and/or perform the contract or to take action upon request) data is processed for the duration of the contract/time necessary to sending the offer and the User's response, and then the time until the expiration of the statute of limitations for claims 2 years or 6 years from the execution of the contract depending on depending on whether the User is an entrepreneur
2. The issuance of an invoice, bill and fulfillment of other obligations under the tax law in the case of making procurement of products and services Article 6(1)(c) of the RODO (legal obligation)data is processed for 5 years from the end of the fiscal year in which the tax event occurred
3. storage of unpaid ordersArticle 6(1)(f) RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) data is processed until it expires 14 days after the order is placed order
4. Resolve complaints or claims related to the contractArticle 6(1)(b) of the RODO (necessity to conclude and/or perform the contract) and on the basis of Article 6(1)(c) of the RODO (obligation under the by law) data is processed for the period of execution of the procedure or claim 1 year from the expiration of the deadline for the realization of the claim or 5 years from the end of the year tax year to the extent of data stored under the provisions of the tax regulations
5. Determination, investigation or defense of claimsArticle 6(1)(f) of the RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) data is processed until the basis for processing ceases 2 years or 6 years from the execution of the contract, depending on whether the User is an entrepreneur
6. telephone contact in matters related to the implementation of the service, contract Article 6(1)(b) of the RODO (necessity to conclude and/or perform the contract) data is processed for the duration of the contract/the time necessary to sending the offer and the User's response, and then the time until the expiration of the statute of limitations for claims 2 years or 6 years from the execution of the contract depending on depending on whether the User is an entrepreneur
7. Telephone contact for the purpose of quotation and direct marketing direct Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO (consent)data is processed until consent is withdrawn
8.Creation of records related to RODO and other regulationsArticle 6(1)(c) of the RODO (legal obligation) and Article 6(1)(f) RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) data is processed until the basis for processing ceases to exist or is no longer usefulness to the administrator
9. Archiving for the purpose of securing information that can be used to proving the facts Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) data is processed until an objection is raised or it is no longer useful for the administrator 2 years or 6 years from the execution of the contract depending on whether the User is an entrepreneur
10. Analytical purpose, involving, among other things, the analysis of data collected automatically when using the websites, including cookies. Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) data is processed until cookies are deleted from the browser by the User
11. Use of cookies on the Sites and its sub-sitesArticle 6(1)(a) of the RODO (consent)data is processed until cookies are deleted from the browser by the User
12. Management of the Administrator's websites and pages on other platforms Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO (legitimate interest of the Administrator) data is processed until an objection is raised or the data is no longer usefulness of the data for the administrator
13. Satisfaction survey on services offeredArticle 6(1)(f) of the RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) data is processed until an objection is raised or the data is no longer usefulness of the data for the administrator
14. Internal administrative purposes of the Administrator related to the management of the contact with the User 6(1)(f) RODO (legitimate interest of the Administrator)data is processed until the basis for processing ceases 2 years or 6 years from the execution of the contract, depending on whether the User is an entrepreneur
15. Adaptation of the content displayed on the Administrator's websites to the individual needs and continuous improvement of the quality of the offered services Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) data is processed until an objection is raised or the data is no longer usefulness of the data for the administrator
16. Direct marketing directed to the User of the products or Services or the recommended third parties Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) data is processed until an objection is raised or the data is no longer usefulness of the data for the administrator
17. Maintaining a profile on the Linkedin platform and interacting with users Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) and Article 6(1)(a) RODO (consent) data is processed until consent is withdrawn or an objection is raised or the data is no longer useful to the administrator
18. Maintaining a profile on the X (former Twitter) platform and interacting with users Article 6(1)(f) RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) and Article 6(1)(a) RODO (consent)data is processed until consent is withdrawn or an objection is raised or the data is no longer useful to the administrator
19.Operating a profile on the YouTube platform and interacting with usersArticle 6(1)(f) RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator) and Article 6(1)(a) RODO (consent)data is processed until consent is withdrawn or an objection is raised or the data is no longer useful to the administrator
20. Targeting advertising on social media and websites websites, and remarketing targeting Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO (consent) and pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO (legitimate interest of the Administrator) consisting of promotion and advertising of the Administrator's services through remarketing directed to persons subscribed to the mailing or visitors to the website in question) the data is processed until the consent is withdrawn or an objection is raised or the data is no longer useful to the Administrator
21.creation of Users' own databasesArticle 6(1)(f) of the RODO (legitimate interest of the administrator)The Data is processed until an objection is raised or the Data is no longer usefulness of the Data for the Administrator

Provision by the User of data that is not mandatory or excess data that the Administrator does not need to process is based on the User’s own decision, in which case the processing takes place on the basis of the premise contained in Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO (consent). The User gives consent to the processing of this data and to the anonymization of data that the Administrator does not need and does not want to process, but the User has nevertheless provided to the Administrator.

How is the data collected?

Only the data that the User himself provides is collected and processed (with the exception - in certain situations - of data collected automatically through cookies, as mentioned below).

During a visit to the site, anonymous data regarding the user’s clicks and the site visit itself are automatically collected (excluding data contained in server logs as mentioned below). Anonymous data collected automatically can be used to analyze user behavior on the website. However, these data are processed only for the purposes of administering the site, providing efficient hosting services and are not associated with the data of individual users.

Data may also be collected for the purpose of filling out forms on the Site and when using the newsletter, as discussed further in the privacy policy.

Information society services

The administrator does not collect children’s data. The User should be at least 16 years of age to independently consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of providing information society services for marketing purposes, among others, or obtain the consent of a legal guardian (e.g., a parent) for this purpose.

If the User is under 16 years of age, he/she should not use the website

The Administrator shall be entitled to make reasonable efforts to verify whether the User meets the age requirement referred to above, or whether the person who has parental authority or custody of the User who is under 16 years of age has consented or approved it.

What are the User’s rights?

The User has at any time the rights contained in Articles 15- 21 of the RODO, viz:

  • The right to access the content of his/her data,
  • The right to data portability,
  • The right to correct data,
  • The right to rectify data,
  • The right to erase data if there is no basis for processing,
  • The right to restrict processing if it has occurred incorrectly or without a legal basis,
  • The right to object to the processing of data on the basis of a legitimate interest of the controller,
  • The right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (under the terms of the Personal Data Protection Act), if he/she considers that the processing of his/her data is incompatible with the current legal provisions on data protection.
  • The right to be forgotten, if further processing is not provided for by currently applicable laws.

The Administrator notes that these rights are not absolute and do not apply to all processing of the User’s personal data. This applies, for example, to the right to obtain a copy of the data. This entitlement must not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, such as, for example, copyright, professional secrecy. To learn about the limitations on the User’s rights, we refer you to the contents of the RODO.

However, the User always has the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority - the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, 2 Stawki Street, 00-193 Warsaw, tel. 22 531-03-00, e-mail:, if he/she considers that the processing of personal data violates the provisions of the RODO or other applicable regulations, concerning the processing of Personal Data.

In order to exercise his/her rights, the User may contact the Administrator via e-mail address: or by letter to the Administrator’s place of business address, if provided in this Privacy Policy, indicating the scope of his/her requests. A response will be provided no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the request and its justification, unless an extension of this period is justified in accordance with the RODO.

If the User has consented to a certain action, such consent may be revoked at any time, which will result in the deletion of the User’s data and the cessation of the indicated actions. The User may revoke the Consent by directing a statement to the Administrator’s e-mail address or to the Administrator’s place of business address, if provided in this Privacy Policy. Withdrawal of Consent shall not affect the processing that was performed on the basis of Consent prior to its withdrawal. In some cases, data may not be completely deleted and will be retained to defend against possible claims for a period of time in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code Act or, for example, to comply with legal obligations imposed on the Administrator. Each time, the Administrator will refer to the User’s request, adequately justifying further actions arising from legal obligations.

Do we transfer your data to third countries?

User data may be transferred outside the European Union - to third countries.

Due to the fact that the Administrator uses external providers of various services, such as:

  • Google Cloud Poland Sp. z o.o.
  • LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
  • Twitter International Unlimited Company
  • Fakturownia Sp. z o.o.

User data may be transferred to the United States of America (US) in connection with its storage on US servers (in whole or in part). Google, based on the executive decision of the European Commission of July 10, 2023, issued under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, stating the adequate level of protection of personal data under the EU-U.S. data protection framework, has passed the certification system and obtained a certificate confirming the assurance of the protection of Personal Data at the level of the European Union.
Twitter and Linkedin apply the compliance mechanisms provided by the RODO (e.g., certifications) or standard contractual clauses to their services.  They will only be transferred to recipients that guarantee the highest data protection and security, including by:

  1. cooperation with processors of personal data in countries for which a relevant decision of the European Commission has been issued,
  2. using standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission (as is the case with Google, for example),
  3. application of binding corporate rules approved by the relevant supervisory authority,

or to those whose personal data the User has consented to transfer.

Detailed information is available in the content of the privacy policy of each of the providers of these services, available on their websites:

Currently, the services offered by Google Cloud Poland Sp. z o.o., Twitter International Unlimited Company and LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company are mainly provided by entities located in the European Union. You should, however, refer to the privacy policies of these providers each time for up-to-date information on data protection.

How long do we keep User Data?

User data will be kept by the Administrator for the duration of the performance of the various services/achievement of the purposes indicated in the table above, and:

  1. for the period of performance of the service and cooperation, as well as for the period of limitation of claims in accordance with the law - with respect to data provided by contractors and customers or Users,
  2. for the period of discussions and negotiations preceding the conclusion of a contract or the performance of a service - with respect to data provided in a request for proposal,
  3. for the period required by law, including tax law - with regard to personal data involving the fulfillment of obligations under applicable regulations,
  4. until the effective lodging of an objection made on the basis of Article 21 RODO - with regard to personal data processed on the basis of the controller’s legitimate interests, including for direct marketing purposes,
  5. until the withdrawal of consent or the achievement of the purpose of processing, business purpose - for personal data processed on the basis of consent. After withdrawal of consent, the data may still be processed for the purpose of defense against possible claims in accordance with the statute of limitations for such claims or the period (shorter) indicated to the User,
  6. until obsolescence or obsolescence - with regard to personal data processed mainly for analytical, statistical purposes, use of cookies and administration of the Administrator’s Sites,
  7. for a period of up to 3 years in the case of persons who have unsubscribed from the newsletter for the purpose of defense against possible claims (e.g. information about the date of subscription and the date of unsubscribing from the newsletter, the number of newsletters received, actions taken and activity related to the messages received), or after a period of 6 months of lack of any activity by the subscriber in question, e.g. failure to create any message from the Administrator.

Data retention periods indicated in years are counted at the end of each year in which data processing began. This is to streamline data processing and management.

Detailed processing periods of personal data, pertaining to individual processing activities, can be found in the Administrator’s register of processing activities.

Links referring to other websites may appear on the Administrator’s Site. These will open in a new browser window or in the same window. The administrator is not responsible for the content provided by these sites. The user is obliged to read the privacy policy or terms and conditions of these sites.

Social Media Activity


The Administrator administers the User’s data on the profile page of Marek Olczyk-Brzezinski on LinkedIn (hereinafter referred to as the Profile).

The User’s personal data provided on the Profile will be processed for the purpose of administering and managing the Profile, communicating with the User, interacting with the User, targeting the User with marketing content and creating a Profile community.

The basis for their processing is the User’s consent and the administrator’s legitimate interest in interacting with Users and Profile Observers. The User voluntarily chooses to like/observe Profiles.

The rules of the Profile are set by the Administrator; however, the rules of staying on the LinkedIn social network are derived from LinkedIn’s rules and regulations.

At any time, the User may stop observing Profiles. However, the Administrator will not then display to the User any content originating from the Administrator and related to the Profiles.

The Administrator sees the User’s personal data, such as, for example, first name, last name and general information, which the User posts on his or her Profiles as public. Processing of other personal data is carried out by the LinkedIn social network and under the terms of its regulations.

The User’s personal data will be processed for the duration of the running/existence of the Profiles on the basis of the consent given by liking/clicking “Observe” the Profile or interacting with it, e.g. leaving a comment, sending a message, and for the purpose of realizing the Administrator’s legitimate interests, i.e. marketing its own products or services or defending against claims.

The User’s personal data may be shared with other data recipients, such as the LinkedIn portal cooperating advertising agencies or other subcontractors servicing the Administrator’s Profile, IT service, virtual assistant, if contact is made outside the LinkedIn portal.

Other rights of the User are described in this Privacy Policy.

User data may be transferred to third countries in accordance with LinkedIn’s regulations.

The data may also be profiled, which helps to better personalize the advertising offer directed to the User. However, they will not be processed in an automated manner within the meaning of the RODO (having a negative impact on the User’s rights and freedoms).

X (former Twitter)

The Administrator administers the User’s data on the profile page @marekbrze on X (former Twitter) (hereinafter referred to as the Profile).

The User’s personal data provided on the Profile will be processed for the purpose of administering and managing the Profile, communicating with the User, interacting with the User, targeting the User with marketing content and creating a Profile community.

The basis for their processing is the User’s consent and the administrator’s legitimate interest in interacting with Users and Profile Observers. The User voluntarily chooses to like/observe Profiles.

The rules of the Profile are set by the Administrator, however, the rules of staying in the social network X (former Twitter) are derived from the rules of X (former Twitter).

At any time, the User may stop watching Profiles. However, the Administrator will not then display to the User any content originating from the Administrator and related to the Profiles.

The Administrator sees the User’s personal data, such as, for example, first name, last name or general information, which the User posts on his/her Profiles as public. Processing of other personal data is carried out by the social network X (former Twitter) and under the terms of its regulations.

The User’s personal data will be processed for the duration of the running/existence of the Profiles on the basis of the consent given by liking/clicking “Observe” the Profile or interacting, e.g. leaving a comment, sending a message, and for the purpose of realizing the Administrator’s legitimate interests, i.e. marketing its own products or services or defending against claims.

The User’s personal data may be shared with other data recipients, such as portal X (former Twitter) cooperating advertising agencies or other subcontractors servicing the Administrator’s Profile, IT service, virtual assistant, if contact is made outside portal X (former Twitter).

Other rights of the User are described in this Privacy Policy.

User data may be transferred to third countries in accordance with X (former Twitter) regulations. The X (former Twitter) portal uses compliance mechanisms in the form of standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission.

The data may also be profiled, which helps to better personalize the advertising offer directed to the User. However, they will not be processed in an automated manner within the meaning of the RODO (having a negative impact on the User’s rights and freedoms).

Privacy Policy of X Portal (former Twitter):


The Administrator administers the User’s data on the profile page under the name marekbrze on You Tube (hereinafter referred to as the Profile).

The User’s personal data provided on the Profile will be processed for the purpose of administering and managing the Profile, communicating with the User, interacting with the User, directing marketing content to the User and creating a Profile community.

The basis for their processing is the User’s consent and the administrator’s legitimate interest in interacting with Users and Profile Observers. The User voluntarily decides to like/observe the Profile.

The rules of the Profile are set by the Administrator, however, the rules of staying on the You Tube portal are derived from the rules of You Tube (Google).

At any time, the User may stop observing the Profile. However, the Administrator will not then display to the User any content originating from the Administrator and related to the Profile.

The Administrator sees the User’s personal data, such as, for example, first name, last name or general information, which the User posts on his/her Profile as public. Processing of other personal data is carried out by You Tube and under the terms of its regulations.

The User’s personal data will be processed for the period of running/existence of the Profile based on the consent given by liking/clicking “Observe” the Profile or interacting, e.g., leaving a comment, sending a message, and for the purpose of realizing the Administrator’s legitimate interests, i.e., marketing its own products or services or defending against claims.

The User’s personal data may be shared with other data recipients, such as You Tube, cooperating advertising agencies or other subcontractors servicing the Administrator’s Profile, IT service, virtual assistant, if contact is made outside of You Tube.

Other rights of the User are described in this Privacy Policy.

User data may be transferred to third countries in accordance with You Tube (Google) regulations.

The data may also be profiled, which helps to better personalize the advertising offer directed to the User. However, they will not be processed in an automated manner within the meaning of the RODO (having a negative impact on the User’s rights and freedoms).

You Tube portal privacy policy:

Data security

The User’s personal information is stored and protected with due care, in accordance with the Administrator’s implemented internal procedures. The Administrator processes User information using appropriate technical and organizational measures that meet the requirements of generally applicable laws, in particular, the laws on personal data protection. These measures are primarily aimed at securing the Users’ personal data from access by unauthorized persons.

In particular, access to Users’ personal data is allowed only to authorized persons who are obliged to keep such data confidential, or to entities entrusted with the processing of personal data under a separate data entrustment agreement.

At the same time, the User should be diligent in securing his/her personal data transmitted over the Internet, in particular, not to disclose his/her login data to third parties, use anti-virus protection, update software and use two-step verification.

Who may be the recipients of personal data?

The Administrator informs that he uses the services of external entities. Entities to which it entrusts the processing of personal data (such as, for example, courier companies, companies mediating electronic payments, companies offering accounting services, companies enabling the sending of newsletters) guarantee the application of appropriate measures for the protection and security of personal data required by law, in particular by the RODO.

The Administrator informs the User that he entrusts the processing of personal data to, among others, the following entities:

  1. Fakturownia Sp. z o.o., 00-389 Warsaw, Smulikowskiego Street 6/8, NIP 5213704420 - for the purpose of issuing accounting documents,
  2. Google Cloud Poland Sp. z o.o. Emilii Plater 53, 00-113 Warsaw - for the purpose of:
    1. use of Google services including email, Google forms, Google Drive.
    2. company management
  3. OVH Sp. z o.o., 1 Swobodna St., 50-088 Wrocław- for:
    1. to manage and host the website
    2. domain service
    3. operation of the mail server,
    4. operation of the server used to operate the company
  4. LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland - for the use of Linkedin tools and platform, especially for advertising tools,
  5. Twitter International Unlimited Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07, Ireland - in order to use the tools and platform of X (former Twitter), especially in terms of advertising tools,
  6. to other contractors or subcontractors engaged to provide technical, administrative, or legal assistance to the Administrator and its clients, e.g., accounting, IT, graphic design, copywriting assistance, debt collection companies, lawyers, etc.
  7. authorities, e.g. the tax office - for the purpose of fulfilling legal and tax obligations related to billing and accounting.

Entities that process Personal Data, like the Controller, ensure compliance with European standards for the protection of Personal Data, including standards set by legal acts and decisions of the European Commission, and apply compliance mechanisms also when transferring Data outside the EEA, among others. in the form of standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission Decision 2021/915 of June 4, 2021 on standard contractual clauses between controllers and processors pursuant to Article 28(7) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Article 29(7) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council

§4 Forms

The Administrator uses the following types of forms on the Site:

Contact Forms

Allows you to send a message to the Administrator and to contact him electronically. Personal data in the form of name, surname, email address and data provided in the body of the message, are processed by the Administrator in accordance with this Privacy Policy in order to contact you.

Once the contact with you has ended, the data may be archived, which is a legitimate interest of the Administrator. The Administrator is not able to determine the exact period of archiving and thus deletion of messages. However, the maximum period will not be longer than the legal limitation periods for claims.

Form for expressing opinions on the site

The administrator may place forms on the website that collect the user’s opinion about the website or links to other forms (e.g. Google Forms) that collect the user’s opinion about the website. Completion of such forms is entirely voluntary and serves the administrator to better tailor the content posted on the site or sent via the newsletter. Responses are anonymous and no personal data is collected through them.

Other comments

The Administrator may entrust the processing of personal data to third parties without the separate consent of the User (on the basis of an entrustment agreement). Data obtained from forms may not be passed on to third parties. If the User uses the services of third-party providers such as Google, he/she should refer to their privacy policy, available from the providers of these services, on their websites.

  1. The content presented on the Site does not constitute expert advice or guidance (e.g. educational) and does not relate to a specific factual situation. If the User wishes to obtain assistance on a specific matter, he/she should contact the person authorised to provide such advice or the Administrator at the contact details provided. The Administrator shall not be held liable for any use of the content of the Site or any actions or omissions made on the basis thereof.
  2. All content included in the Site is the subject of copyright of certain persons and/or the Administrator (e.g. photos, texts, other materials, etc.). The Administrator does not consent to copying such content in whole or in part without his/her express prior consent.
  3. The Administrator hereby informs the User that any dissemination of the content made available by the Administrator constitutes a violation of the law and may result in civil or criminal liability. The Administrator may also demand appropriate compensation for material or non-material damage in accordance with the applicable regulations.
  4. The Administrator shall not be liable for illegal use of the materials available on the Website.
  5. The content posted on the Site is current as of the date of its posting, unless otherwise indicated.

§6 Technologies

In order to use the Administrator’s website, it is necessary to have:

  1. access to the Internet from an enabling device such as a desktop computer, laptop, other mobile device, including equipment that enables communication and filling in of the necessary forms within the website, e.g. a functioning keyboard,
  2. a properly configured and up-to-date version of an Internet browser, which supports cookies, e.g. Microsoft Edge, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, and which allows you to browse websites,
  3. an active and properly configured e-mail account (the Administrator recommends that the User checks whether e-mails with the Service domain do not go to the “spam”, “offers” or other than “main/received” mailbox. The Administrator has no influence on this and it depends on the settings of the User’s e-mail box and/or the provider of the e-mail box used,
  4. software enabling the reading of content in the presented formats, e.g. pdf., video, mp3, mp4.

§7 Cookies Policy

  1. Like most websites, the Administrator’s Site uses so-called tracking technologies, i.e. cookies (“cookies”) to improve the site to meet the needs of its visitors.
  2. The site does not automatically collect any information except that contained in cookies.
  3. Cookies (“cookies”) are IT data, small text files that are stored on your terminal device, e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone, when you use my Site.
  4. They can be own cookies (coming directly from my Website) and third-party cookies (coming from websites other than my Website).
  5. cookies allow the content of my Website to be tailored to your individual needs and the needs of other visitors to my Website. In particular, they are used to store information about the display of information to the user on pop-ups. In addition, they are used to store information about completed surveys so that the results of those surveys can be displayed to the user.
  6. The Website uses two types of cookies: session cookies, which are deleted after closing the browser, logging out or leaving the website, and permanent cookies, which are stored on the user’s terminal equipment so that the browser can be recognised the next time the user accesses the website, for the time specified in the parameters of the cookies or until they are deleted by the user.
  7. The Website administrator does not currently use third-party cookies. If such cookies are introduced, the User will be informed of the change in advance and will have the opportunity to read the new privacy policy before it is implemented.
  8. Affiliate Links and Affiliate Programs - Affiliate links to certain third party products or services may appear on the Administrator’s Site. This is a way of monetising the content on the Site, which is generally provided free of charge. The User will not be charged for clicking on the link. If the User goes to an external entity’s website by clicking on an affiliate link and purchases a product, the Administrator may be granted a commission. By using the Website, the User agrees to the use of cookies in this regard.
  9. In many cases, web browsing software (web browser) allows the storage of cookies on the User’s terminal equipment by default. Users of the Website may change their settings regarding cookies at any time. These settings can be changed in particular in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the settings of the web browser or inform on their each time they are placed on the device of a User of the Website. Detailed information on the possibility and methods of using cookies is available in the settings of your software (web browser).
  10. The Administrator informs that restrictions on the use of cookies (switching them off, limiting them) may affect some of the functionalities available on the Website and hinder its operation.
  11. More information on cookies is available at or in the “Help” section in the menu of your web browser.
  12. As part of your browser settings, you may delete cookies from the Site or the Online Shop, or from the Administrator’s suppliers, by making changes to your browser settings at any time. The method of deleting cookies will vary depending on the web browser used by the User. Information on how to delete cookies is available in the “Help” tab of the selected web browser.
  13. The deletion of cookies is not equivalent to the deletion of Personal Data by the Administrator obtained through cookies.

When you first access the Administrator’s Sites, you must consent to cookies or take the other possible actions indicated in the message in order to continue using the content of the Site. Your use of the Administrator’s Site implies your consent. If you do not wish to give such consent, please leave the Site. You can also change your browser settings to disable or delete cookies. The “help” tab of your browser contains the necessary information.

§9 Server Logs

  1. The use of the Administrator’s Site involves sending requests to the server on which the Site is stored.
  2. Each query directed to the server is recorded in the server logs. The logs include, inter alia, the User’s IP address, date and time of the server, information about the Internet browser and operating system used by the User.
  3. The logs are saved and stored on the server.
  4. Server logs are used to administer the Sites, and their content is not disclosed to anyone except persons and entities authorised to administer the server.
  5. The Administrator does not use server logs in any way to identify the User.
  1. This paragraph of the Privacy Policy sets out information on any restrictions that the Administrator imposes in relation to the use of its services, in relation to information provided by Recipients of the Service, including, but not limited to: information on any policies, procedures, measures and tools used for content moderation, including algorithmic decision-making and human review, as well as on the rules and regulations of the internal complaint handling system, on any material changes to the terms of use, and mechanisms for reporting Illegal Content. The Administrator shall make the aforementioned information and the terms of use of the Service available in an understandable and legible manner, including for minor audiences. Administrator shall design, organise and operate its Web Services (and interfaces) in a manner that does not mislead or manipulate Users or otherwise materially interfere with or limit Users’ ability to make free and informed decisions.
  2. The Administrator also provides Indirect Services as part of its profiles available on Social Media, i.e. on the X portal - the former Twitter (link:, LinkedIn (link:, YouTube (link: ), by:
    • enabling Users to leave comments under posted posts,
    • adding ratings and opinions
    • other forms of interaction making it possible to leave Content available on the aforementioned portals.
  3. Definitions used in the body of this paragraph and the Terms and Conditions shall mean:
    1. Administrator - as defined in §2(1) of the Privacy Policy, as well as an entrepreneur, i.e. a natural or legal person, whether a public or private entity, who acts - including through a person acting on his/her behalf or for his/her benefit - for purposes related to his/her commercial, business, craft or professional activity, providing the services referred to in this paragraph, including information society services on the Service.
    2. Service Recipient - a Customer or User or a person using indirect services or other information society services provided by the Administrator, including, for example, the Service, or the Administrator’s Social Media, in particular for the purpose of seeking information or sharing it.
    3. Content- any information transmitted by the User in any form within the Service, Social Media or other platforms and sites owned or moderated by the Administrator, in particular within the Service or the functionalities of these sites made available to the User.
    4. Illegal Content - means information which, in itself or by reference to an action, does not comply with the law of the Union or with the law of any Member State which complies with the law of the Union, regardless of the specific subject matter or nature of that law.5. Content Moderation - means the actions, whether automated or not, taken by the Administrator or its cooperating intermediate service providers with the aim, in particular, of detecting, identifying and combating illegal content or information that does not comply with the terms of use of their services, provided by the Recipients of the service, including measures implemented that affect the availability, visibility and reachability of such unlawful content or information, such as the deposition of such content or information, demonetisation, prevention of access to or removal of such content or information, or that affect the ability of recipients of the service to transmit such information, such as the closure or suspension of the recipient’s account.
    5. Intermediate Service - means one of the following information society services provided by the Administrator:
      1. a “mere transmission” service consisting of the transmission on the telecommunications network of information provided by the Recipient of the service or the provision of access to the telecommunications network;
      2. a “caching” service consisting in the transmission in a telecommunications network of information transmitted by the Service Recipient, involving the automatic, indirect and short-term storage of this information, carried out solely for the purpose of facilitating the subsequent transmission of the information at the request of other recipients;
      3. a “hosting” service consisting of the storage of information provided by the recipient of the service and at his request.
    6. Internet Platform - means a hosting service which, at the request of the Recipient of the service, stores and disseminates information to the public, unless such action is an insignificant or solely incidental feature of another service or an insignificant function of the main service, and for objective and technical reasons cannot be used without such other service, and the inclusion of such feature or function in such other service is not a means of circumventing the application of the DSA.
    7. Public dissemination - means making information available to a potentially unlimited number of third parties at the request of the Recipient of the service that provided the information.
    8. Social media - social media platforms where the Administrator creates additional channels of communication with the User or the Recipient of the information or content provided by the User, whether in the context of publishing content publicly available to a wide audience or in the context of other forms of contact with the Recipient of the content, including contact related to commercial offers, which in particular refers to: private or public community groups, channels on social media platforms, public accounts referred to, inter alia, in the Privacy Policy, so-called fanpages, communication channels, inside these social media platforms, etc.

Contact point

  1. The administrator shall designate the following single point of contact to enable him/her to communicate directly - electronically - with Member State authorities, the Commission and the Digital Services Board, via e-mail at: [e-mail] or by telephone at 502-221-012[phone]. Communication can take place in the following languages: Polish, English .

  2. The Administrator shall designate the following single point of contact enabling Recipients of the service to communicate directly - electronically - with the Administrator via e-mail address: [e-mail] or by telephone at telephone number: 502-221-012 [phone]. Communication may take place in the following languages: Polish, English.

Illegal Content and Content that does not comply with the Administrator’s terms of service.

  1. You may not post the following Content on the Service, the Online Platform or the Administrator’s Social Media:
    1. Illegal Content or Content that does not comply with the Privacy Policy,
    2. Content containing profanity, third party hearsay, spam,
    3. content which is contrary to good morals, in particular content which is offensive, offends religious feelings, personal rights of third parties or shows disrespect to generally understood social norms and rules of social coexistence, Content which is racist, vulgar, promotes violence, pornographic, fascist, discriminatory, sexually explicit or inappropriate for underage users, etc.
    4. content that violates the rights of third parties, such as copyrights or intellectual property rights, or is intended to disclose business secrets or other confidential information,
    5. content containing links to other websites (links), entities other than the Website, competitive websites or online shops, to which the Administrator has not given its prior consent, in particular advertising, marketing, fundraising or other commercial links,
    6. content advertising other websites, platforms, social media, etc.
    7. Content unrelated to the Administrator’s service or any activity of the Administrator or the Service, or Content unrelated to the subject matter of the Service or the Administrator’s Social Media,
    8. Content containing personal or contact information,
    9. repetitive Content that has already appeared on the Administrator’s Community Media Service or Service (the User is obliged to verify before publishing the Content that it is not a copy of existing Content),
    10. content of a technical nature, queries related to customer service relating to the Administrator’s products or services (for this purpose the User should contact the data provided in the Privacy Policy).

Procedure for reporting Illegal Content, recourse procedure and Content Moderation

  1. A User who considers any Content to be Illegal Content or Content in breach of this Privacy Policy is entitled to report such Content to the Administrator by email to the email address set out in the Privacy Policy, together with an indication of the place where the Administrator may view the said Content and any details necessary to consider the report, including the contact details of the User and the third parties involved (if possible). The User may use the form for reporting Illegal Content annexed to this Privacy Policy.
  2. If the contact details of the User reporting the Content in question are not provided, the Administrator will not be able to contact the User in order to notify him/her of the receipt of the report and the outcome of the consideration of the report.
  3. The Administrator shall immediately notify the User of receipt of the notification of the given Content.
  4. The Administrator shall make decisions on the notification within no more than 14 days from the date of receipt of the notification, in a non-arbitrary, objective manner and with due diligence. For the purposes of processing and decision-making, the Seller does not use/uses automated means.
  5. The Administrator shall notify the User without undue delay of the result of the decision on the application, its content and justification.
  6. In the case of Illegal Content or Content that does not comply with the Terms of Use, the Administrator may remove it, limit its visibility, prevent access to it, deposit it or leave it on the Website. He/she may also suspend, terminate or otherwise limit monetary payments, if such occur in the Service, suspend or terminate the service in whole or in part, or suspend or close the User’s or third party’s account. At the same time, it shall inform the User and the third parties involved of its decision by providing them with clear and specific reasons for the decision (if it has their contact details).
  7. The User may appeal against the Administrator’s decision within 14 days of receipt of the decision, at the same time providing reasons.
  8. The Administrator shall consider the User’s appeal within 14 days from the date of receipt of the appeal, communicating his or her decision and the reasons for it to the User.

Administrator’s responsibility for User Content

  1. The Administrator shall not be held liable for User Content, in particular Illegal Content left within the Service or the Internet Platform, if the User’s actions are contrary to the Privacy Policy or the generally applicable law. The Administrator shall make every effort to deal with such Content in a manner consistent with the generally applicable law and with the Privacy Policy, including, but not limited to, not modifying the Content in a manner that affects the integrity of the information transmitted or made available, not facilitating the posting of Illegal Content, taking immediate action to remove it or prevent access to it in accordance with the Privacy Policy with respect for the Users’ fundamental rights, including the right to freedom of expression and information, as well as taking all actions in good faith and with due diligence.

Algorithmic decision-making

  1. There is no algorithmic decision-making within the Service, including decisions relating to User appeals.

Cooperation with public authorities regarding notifications of Illegal Content

  1. Where the Administrator becomes aware of any information giving rise to a suspicion that a criminal offence endangering the life or safety of a person or persons has been, is being or may be committed, it shall immediately inform the law enforcement or judicial authorities of the Member State or Member States concerned of its suspicion and provide all available information on the subject.

Provision of information to the digital services coordinator

  1. The Administrator shall, upon request and without undue delay, provide to the digital services coordinator responsible for the place of establishment and the Commission information on the average number of monthly active recipients of the service in the Union, calculated as the average number over the preceding six months, updated at the time of such request. The Digital Service Coordinator or the Commission may request that the Administrator provide additional information regarding the calculation, including an explanation and justification for the data used. This information must not include personal data.

Termination of use of the Administrator’s services

  1. You are entitled to terminate your use of the Administrator’s services at any time. In order to do so, he/she may use the available forms of termination of the use of services such as automatically clicking on certain buttons enabling the deletion of an account (if any has been created) or unsubscribing from a given service, ceasing to observe the Administrator’s Social Media or by deleting the Content posted by him/her, as well as he/she may contact the Seller at the details provided in this privacy policy. This provision does not affect the Administrator’s obligations and rights under other generally applicable laws and further storage of data, including personal data, in particular for the purposes indicated in the Privacy Policy and resulting from RODO or other laws.

Changes to the terms of use of Administrator services

  1. The Administrator shall, by appropriate means, promptly inform the User of material changes made to the terms of use of the Administrator’s services, including, but not limited to, changes to the rules regarding the information permitted on its services or other such changes that may directly affect the ability of Recipients to use the service.
Download Attachment No. 1- Model Form for Notification of Illegal Content Or Content Inconsistent with the Terms of Service

Publication date: 2024-03-08

Last update: 2024-03-08

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